My Coolest Years 2005 -
Overview:The only kids who hated sports were the ones with no game. You may have hated the laps, the drills, the early AM practices, and the coach -- but you loved the game. And the fringe benefits (parties, power, popularity) weren't too shabby either. If those glory days were yours, we're listening... Pep was your drug of choice. The Hallways were your red carpet. Every winning game on the field was a story that would go down in your town and school's history. Basically you guys created the kingdom known as high school, and we want in on the rules and regulations that kept you in the "in." You had a play book and you had the practices, but the fact is as a Jock or Cheerleader, you didn't need either. On or off the field, you were the stories that people told over and over. "Guess who so and so is dating"..."Did you see what so and so was wearing" were usually setting the trends and creating the drama for were: The Jocks & Cheerleaders.