Alternative titler:Batman del futuro, Batman of the Future, Batman do Futuro, Batman budoucnosti, Batman of the Future, Fremtidens Batman, Batman del Futuro, Batman, la relève, Batman of the Future, Ο Μπάτμαν του μέλλοντος, Batman of the Future, Batman of the Future, Batman Beyond, Batman Beyond, Batman - 20 lat pozniej, Batman Przyszlosci, Batman do Futuro, Betmen u budućnosti, Бэтмен будущего, Batman Beyond, Batman Beyond, Batman Tomorrow, Tomorrow Knight, Batman del futuro
First Air Date: Jan 10, 1999Siste Air-dato: Dec 18, 2001Årstid: 3 ÅrstidEpisode: 52 EpisodeKjøretid: 24:14 minutterKvalitet: HDIMDb: 2.9 / 10 av 559 brukerePopularitet: 25.742Språk: en